P.O Box 42440 Baltimore MD 21284
Mon - Fri : 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST


A specialized insurance company

Who We Are

Bayland Risk Management is a specialized insurance organization, which offers comprehensive risk and claims management services designed specifically for Captive Insurance companies, Self Insured entities, and programs with large self insured retention limits. With over 60 years of combined experience in risk transfer and claims management, our staff can help guide you through what can be a difficult, complex, and stressful process.

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Travel insurance

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Cut placerat velit laoreet vitae. Mauris convallis velit diam
eu pulvinar felis faucibus id. Nam vel ex at orci volutpat placerat.
Integer rutrum risus id ipsum egestas tristique. Integer aliquam nulla vel euismod feugiat. Mauris vitae volutpat ex.

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Life insurance

Cras turpis mauris, blandit at tempor id, porttitor nec elit. Quisque sollicitudin malesuada ultrices.

Vestibulum commodo congue ex, volutpat placerat risus volutpat at. Nullam et risus diam. Proin ornare auctor vulputate. Donec placerat pulvinar quam ac fringilla. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Get an Insurance Quote!

Car insurance

Nunc a metus consectetur, elementum nisl ac, sagittis erat. Phasellus condimentum libero et lorem tempus.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum lobortis ipsum scelerisque ante interdum, at scelerisque dui varius. Maecenas posuere non massa vel aliquet.

What is our approach

How you do anything, is how you do everything. That holds true for insurance and risk management. We don't believe one size fits all, and know that every risk is different. Accordingly, we conduct thorough risk management on the risks we work on, looking at everything from physical risks to management philosophy. If you are reading this, you already know that managing risk can pay huge dividends, not just to your bottom line, but in increased employee satisfaction and retention. When everyone knows your organization wants to provide a safe workplace, cares about its people, and works to keep them from harm, good things follow. Not every organization can benefit from alternative risk transfer, but every organization can benefit from a comprehensive review of their current program. There are many options out there, including commercially available programs, and a full review can help clarify your options.


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